We have updated our Privacy Notice. These changes are designed to provide greater clarity on how we use your personal information and to consolidate previously separate EU and rest-of-world notices into a single document.

COVID-19 Resources

Download our comprehensive restart guide to learn how to successfully integrate your Purezza dispenser back in to day-to-day operations at your venue. Additional printable resources are available to help safely make the most of your water dispenser when you are back at work.

Dispenser restart and usage guide

Protecting your employees and customers from the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace is paramount. We have prepared the following instruction guide to promote regular cleaning regimes with a strong focus on hand hygiene and social distancing to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection.

This guide addresses key questions on how to restart your dispenser following a period of disuse, as well as how to keep it operating hygienically.

Download restart guide

Purezza dispenser restart and usage guide

​Hospitality Restart Guide

This guide offers practical insights and measures to help venues set the necessary protocols to mitigate hygiene risks in the workplace, keep employees and customer safe. It also provides useful commercial to increase profitability.

Download hospitality restart guide

​Hospitality Restart Guide

Hygiene and social distancing and collateral pack

Help promote strong messages of social distancing and hygiene at your venue with free to download tent cards and stickers. These materials are easy to apply, and they act as a useful day-to-day reminder for customers and employees in your venue.

Download pack

Hygiene and social distancing and collateral pack

Additional Products

Purezza also offers a number of products to support maintaining a hygienic working environment and promoting social distancing measures at your venue

​Aqua Dosa

Aqua Dosa, a powerful disinfectant spray and disposable wipes for the dispenser that provide 24-hour protection.

​Reusable bottles and glassware.

Reusable bottles and glassware.

Dishwasher trays

Dishwasher trays for optimized cleaning of Purezza bottles

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